Expert Information, Advice and Guidance
Committed to supporting professionals working with families affected by abuse
Our blog posts provide expert analysis and advice on a range of subjects concerning domestic abuse. Designed for professionals working in children's social care, they will also offer more in-depth information about the services we provide.
For current details regarding fees and timescales please contact us.
Post-Separation Abuse Awareness and Safety Planning
Providing Holistic Support for Survivors of Domestic Abuse - the Importance of By and For Organisations
DV-ACT to Merge with PAI
Tackling Gaslighting: Identifying, Safety Planning and Risk Management
Interventions for perpetrators of domestic abuse
The Groundbreaking New Programme for Mothers in Child Protection
100% Completion Rate: How Virtual Attendance is Removing Barriers to Treatment
Violent Resistance and Domestic Abuse
Attack on Haringey Social Worker: Why Welfare Checks are Crucial
How to Support Parents, Protect Children and Avoid Care Proceedings
1:1 Treatment Programme for Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse
Coercive Control: Recognising the Effects on Children
How to Work with Families Living with Abuse: Top Tips from the Experts
Coercive Control: Management and Safety Planning Guidance for Social Workers
Coercive Control and the Pandemic
Can Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programmes Really Change Behaviour?
How Can Vulnerable Mothers be Supported to Detach from Their Abusers?
Who are DV-ACT?
How DV-ACT Works With Perpetrators Who Deny Or Minimise Their Behaviour
Do you know the 8 Step Timeline in Domestic Abuse Homicides?